Matt Young (CTO of Geonomics) came along to give a talk about “Building and growing tech team”.
What makes a great developer?
- Aptitude
- Attitude
- Little core knowledge
Good companies hire based on that, not on ‘ohh we need 7 years java experience and you only got 6’.
I’d say it’s 90% attitude and 10% action. Talent is a word people came up with when they couldn’t explain why someone is good at something. Like when people didn’t know where fire comes from, they decided there must be a fire god.
What constitutes core knowledge, you say ?
Algorithms and algorithmic complexity
Good developers are algoholics. Period.
Object orientated programming (OOP) concepts
What is a Class? What is an Object? (If you are rubyist, then EVERYTHING!).
Functional programming concepts is a bonus!
Static vs dynamic typing. Advantages and disadvantages. Speak both types of languages?
Heap, Stack, Bits and Bytes. Everything always comes down to 0’s and 1’s.
And most importantly : learning is change in behaviour. Nothing less, nothing more.